Unlimited 100% Free domain hosting!
Host your domains for FREE.
With 000Webhost.com it's really possible! Why pay for domain hosting if you get it here 100% free! Host your own domain or choose any other subdomain just for free. Our free web hosting supports all possible domain names, like "YourName.com" or any other. Do not have your own domain registered yet? No troubles! You can choose our free subdomains. We support all international domains too. On the other hand, if you want to host your free website on top level domain name, we recommend checking out Hostinger's domain name search tool. This tool will help you to pick the perfect name for your website!
Free Domain Hosting Features |
Sign Up For Free |
Host your own domain |
International domains accepted |
Nameservers to use |
ns01.000webhost.com ns02.000webhost.com |
FTP address to use |
ftp.yourdomain.com |
Mail server address to use |
yourdomain.com |
000Webhost Free Web Hosting plan is great for starting or even medium projects. You'll get absolutely great features with zero costs! Your account will be activated instantly just in few clicks and you'll be able to build your website like a PRO without any technical or code knowledge!
Get Hostinger’s Fast & Secure Web Hosting with an SSL Certificate for FREE!
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