Cannot access to my website - Wordpress (Database Error)

Hi all,

I can access my account on webhost, cpanel, phpadmin, even log in FileZilla successfully, but my webpage has shown the error “Error establishing a database connection” since last night, also cannot connect to mysql by this domain. Do you know what happened?


Can you screenshot the error and what is your website?

Thanks James, it came back after I posted this, I dont know why!

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Keep an eye on I can only assume too many users on the overall server impacting performance.

Hi James,

It happened again:

The status looks good! :frowning:

DB is a bit dodgy looking today.

When you get a chance you might want to take a backup of your databases, and all your files just to be safe, and if you want visit, signup a new account with a new email, re-upload your data under the new panel and upload your database and you’ll be on the new panel which is designed to be more stable I believe…